Microsoft helps JPMorgan revamp its Quorum blockchain platform

JPMorgan Chase has "rebooted" its blockchain platform Quorum with the help of Microsoft, CoinDesk writes.

For the last half a year, tech teams from London, Singapore and the U.S. have been working on transferring Quorum's privacy layer from Haskell-based Constellation to Java-based Tessera. The change should allow easier integration of Quorum with businesses' existing infrastructure.

JPMorgan is concentrating on building business applications for the tech while Microsoft will take care of “the heavy lifting” to power the blockchain platform, Oli Harris, JPMorgan's Quorum lead, said. The firms are also working jointly on streamlining node deployment.

Quorum will serve as a multi-cloud platform, meaning it can be used on a private, public or hybrid cloud. 

“This is all about network effects. We see Quorum as this evolving technology suite and are extremely lucky to have one leg in public ethereum and also one leg in large enterprises, now powered by JPMorgan and Microsoft in a coherent way,” Harris said, adding he believes public and private blockchains will be interoperable in future.

Quorum is an open-source project available on Github.