Visa CEO: No member has officially joined Facebook Libra project yet

Alfred F. Kelly, chairman and CEO of Visa (one of the members of Facebook’s Libra cryptocurrency project), has said that no company has officially joined the project yet.

Kelly made the comments in a Q3 2019 earnings call on Tuesday, saying: “We have signed a nonbinding letter of intent to join Libra. We're one of – I think it's 27 companies that have expressed that interest. So no one has yet officially joined.”

The CEO further said that Visa is in discussions and its final decision to join the project will be determined by "a number of factors," including the ability of the Libra Association to address all regulatory concerns.

“It's really, really early days and there's just a tremendous amount to be finalized,” Kelly said.

Facebook, on its part, has reportedly hired two more lobbying firms - the Sternhell Group and Cypress Group - to help pitch its upcoming Libra cryptocurrency to regulators in Washington.