Research: Hash power equivalent to 1.3 million Bitmain S9 miners were switched off in past month

A new report by BitMEX Research highlighted a few interesting facts:

  • Hash power equivalent ~1.3 million Bitmain S9 miners were turn off since November as the Bitcoin hashrate dropped by 31%
  • The revenue of the Bitcoin mining industry revenue decreased from approximately $13 million daily at the start of November to around $6 million daily at the start of December
  • Prior to the recent crash in prices, the profit margins of Bitcoin miners was around 50% and have now fallen to around 30%

BitMEX notes that "the recent price crash is likely to have sent almost all the miners into the red." The crypto mining industry is highly profitable when only considering electricity costs, but when all the other costs (capital investment in the machinery, maintenance costs and building costs) are considered, the picture changes.

BitMEX also speculates that as the higher cost miners switch off their machines first, the average electricity cost of active miners should have fallen considerably. (Source: BitMEX Research)