U.S. successfully lobbies Bank of England to block Maduro's access to $1.2 billion in Venezuelan gold reserves

In a powerful move, top U.S. officials, led by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, have successfully lobbied England to deny former Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro access to Venezuela's financial reserves. Venezuela's foreign reserves total $8 billion, $1.2 billion of which is stored with the Bank of England.

Maduro is locked in a massive power struggle with challenger Juan Guaido, the National Assembly leader, who the US, UK and other countries recognize as the legitimate leader of Venezuela. At the same time the US and UK are restricting Maduro's access to capital, they are reportedly working to shuttle Venezuelan assets stored overseas to Guaido.

No officials from Venezuela, the UK or the US will comment on the record as Maduro's economic and political control hangs in the balance.