FLEX Coin (FLEX) currently has a price of €0.16 and is up –% over the last 24 hours. The cryptocurrency is ranked 1277 with a market cap of €15.8M. Over the last 24 hours, it saw €95.26 of trading volume. The token has a circulating supply of 98.7M tokens out of a total supply of 98.7M tokens.
FLEX Coin is a cryptocurrency built on Ethereum that offers a decentralized payment solution for freelancers worldwide. Using smart contracts, FLEX facilitates secure and transparent transactions, addressing common freelancer challenges like high fees and delayed payments. With a limited supply of 500 million tokens, FLEX creates scarcity and value for holders, allowing them to pay for services, participate in platform governance, and access additional features within the FLEX platform. User adoption and sector partnerships will determine the project's success, as it faces competition from other cryptocurrencies targeting the freelance industry.
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