Samsung adds TRON support to Blockchain Keystore development kit

TRON, the dApp development network, has announced that its network is being integrated into the Samsung Blockchain Keystore software development kit (SDK).
The Samsung Blockchain Keystore provides a platform for users to manage their private information and digital keys. It was first announced earlier this year. TRON's integration with the Keystore's SDK will enable developers to build applications on the TRON blockchain and enables consumers to access these applications via Samsung devices.
“This is a remarkable milestone for TRON, and I’m thrilled to have this opportunity to work with Samsung,” says Justin Sun, Founder of TRON and CEO of BitTorrent. “We are totally in line with and will support Samsung’s vision and strategy on blockchain technology exploration.”
In addition to TRON's announcement, Samsung has also announced the "Samsung Blockchain Platform SDK" which the firm claims "tackles two of the biggest obstacles in expanding the DApp ecosystem: security and the complexity of building a mobile-compatible DApp." According to Samsung, with this new platform, "legacy apps" built on Samsung devices can also integrate blockchain features such as cryptocurrency payments.