Brave and BitFlyer team up to develop crypto wallet for Japanese users

Privacy-focused browser provider Brave and Japan’s largest crypto exchange BitFlyer have partnered to develop a crypto wallet jointly.
“We will start developing a crypto asset wallet for Brave browser users,” both the companies announced on Thursday. While details of the planned wallet are sparse, it is worth noting that Brave currently cannot reward Japanese users its native basic attention token (BAT) due to local regulations.
“As it requires a license to give BAT to users in Japan, we are currently offering BAT Points instead of BAT,” Ryotaro Chikaki, chief marketing officer at Brave Asia, told The Block. "BAT Points can be used for tipping to creators but BAT Points cannot be purchased."
It is not clear whether the planned crypto wallet would let Brave to reward Japanese users directly in BAT instead of BAT Points. Chikaki said more details would be announced at Brave Asia’s online event on July 30.
“The goal of the partnership is to make cryptocurrency accessible to more people in Japan,” Kenichi Nishimura, head of marketing at BitFlyer, told The Block.
BAT is currently listed on several exchanges, including BitFlyer, Binance, Coinbase Pro, and Gemini.