Storj (STORJ) currently has a price of €0.32 and is up 5.23% over the last 24 hours. The cryptocurrency is ranked 739 with a market cap of €46.1M. Over the last 24 hours, it saw €8.7M of trading volume. The token has a circulating supply of 143.8M tokens out of a total supply of 425M tokens.
Storj is a decentralized cloud storage platform and cryptocurrency that prioritizes secure and efficient storage for individuals and businesses. It utilizes blockchain technology and peer-to-peer networks, eliminating central servers and minimizing the risk of data loss or manipulation. Storj incentivizes participation by rewarding users with its native STORJ token for providing storage space and bandwidth. With encryption and client-side key management, Storj ensures the privacy and security of users' data. In summary, Storj aims to disrupt the traditional cloud storage industry by offering a more affordable, decentralized, and secure alternative.
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