Ticketmaster's latest widget gives NFT holders early ticket access

Quick Take

  • Ticketmaster has launched a new token-gating feature in collaboration with heavy metal band Avenged Sevenfold that allows artists to provide NFT holders with select fan rewards, like early ticket access, custom seat selection and custom travel packages.
  • The tool was originally requested by the band to reward holders of its Deathbats Club NFT collection, launched in 2021.

With a new feature launched by Ticketmaster this morning, artists can now relate to their fans in a new way — by providing NFT holders with special access to concert tickets and other rewards.

The project was piloted in collaboration with heavy metal band Avenged Sevenfold (A7X), which first requested the feature from Ticketmaster to reward holders of its Deathbats Club NFT collection. The collection consists of 10,000 unique NFT’s that act like the band's club membership cards.

The widget is compatible with Ethereum-minted tokens stored in digital wallets, including MetaMask or Coinbase,  Ticketmaster said in a statement on Monday. 

In addition to pre-sale access, fan rewards can also include access to specific concert seats or travel packages, as specified by the artist.

Details of the band's collaboration with Ticketmaster were posted on Twitter earlier this month by M. Shadows, A7x’s lead singer.


Asked about seating availability for NFT holders, Shadows wrote "we have lower bowl reserved." 

The launch is the latest effort from Ticketmaster to introduce web3 components onto its platform, including a collaboration with Dapper Labs in August 2021, which enabled event organizers to issue NFTs tied to ticket sales on the Flow blockchain.

In a statement made by Ticketmaster at the time, the firm wrote that it had already minted more than 5 million NFTs on the Flow blockchain, in part through its partnership with the NFL.

“This new capability allows artists to get special access and rewards to specific fans they want to super serve,” said David Marcus, Ticketmaster’s executive vice president of global music in a statement. 

News of the widget was first reported by Decrypt.

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