eToroX runs Libra implementation trial

eToroX’s Labs Blockchain Science team has written a Libra implementation to check out Libra’s capabilities, eToro has written in a blog post. eToroX’s Labs Blockchain Science team decided to run a trial using Facebook’s Move IR, the intermediary representative which will in the future become the programming language used in Libra.

The team used eToken Implementation which is deployed on the Ethereum blockchain. It “wrote and executed a basic implementation” to test how a token could work on Libra.

According to the eToroX team, Move is similar to Rust programming language. However, unlike Rust, it defines 'resource' differently. eToroX outlined two crucial differences.

First of all, Move doesn’t allow resources to be moved or copied. It is “an extremely constructive and beneficial capability, especially for digital assets, since it prevents accidental duplication and loss,” the blog post reads.

Moreover, Move prevents publishing data on behalf of other users. Therefore, users need to acknowledge everything published, giving them full control over the information they choose to share.

eToroX concludes, “All in all, Libra and Move IR is a welcome step forward in smart-contract development. Having strong asset-guarantees helps developers to produce less error-prone code and move faster.” However, it adds that at this point Move IR is still not user-friendly.


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