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£0.0020 (7.16%)
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GALA Market stats
Market cap
Market cap: the token’s price multiplied by its circulating supply.
Circulating supply
Circulating supply: the number of tokens released on the network and made available.
Volume (24h)
Volume (24h): the trading volume of the token over the last 24 hours.
All time high
All time high: the highest price that the cryptocurrency has traded at.
FDV: the fully diluted valuation is the price multiplied by the total supply.
Total supply
Total supply: the full amount of tokens on the network, including those that have not yet been released.
About GALA

GALA Price Data

GALA (GALA) currently has a price of £0.030 and is up 7.16% over the last 24 hours. The cryptocurrency is ranked 85 with a market cap of £1.3B. Over the last 24 hours, it saw £179M of trading volume. The token has a circulating supply of 42.5B tokens out of a total supply of 42.5B tokens.

Gala (GALA) is a cryptocurrency utility token for the Gala Games ecosystem. It operates on the Ethereum blockchain and allows users to play, earn, and own digital assets within various games. The token serves as a medium of exchange, enables in-game purchases, and provides voting rights for the Gala Games community. Gala distinguishes itself by empowering players with true ownership of their in-game assets through blockchain technology, allowing users to freely trade and sell digital items without limitations imposed by traditional gaming platforms. This offers players greater autonomy and the potential to earn real-world value from their gaming activities.

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GALA Market stats
Market cap
Market cap: the token’s price multiplied by its circulating supply.
Circulating supply
Circulating supply: the number of tokens released on the network and made available.
Volume (24h)
Volume (24h): the trading volume of the token over the last 24 hours.
All time high
All time high: the highest price that the cryptocurrency has traded at.
FDV: the fully diluted valuation is the price multiplied by the total supply.
Total supply
Total supply: the full amount of tokens on the network, including those that have not yet been released.
GALA Price Converter
Crypto to Fiat
Crypto Market Cap
1 GALA = £0.030 Pound Sterling (GBP)