FINSCHIA (FNSA) currently has a price of €17.025 and is up –% over the last 24 hours. The cryptocurrency is ranked 1229 with a market cap of €13.5M. Over the last 24 hours, it saw €416.34 of trading volume. The token has a circulating supply of 665.4k tokens out of a total supply of 665.4k tokens.
FINSCHIA (FNSA) is a cryptocurrency that fuels a decentralized and eco-friendly blockchain platform focused on sustainable development goals. It offers secure, efficient, and democratic blockchain capabilities for socially valuable projects. FINSCHIA aims to minimize environmental impact and promotes transparency through its open-source development model. The FNSA token rewards users who contribute to sustainable and social development goals, making it more than just a financial transaction currency; it represents a commitment to environmental sustainability and social responsibility.
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